Childcare Resources
Tulsa Women’s Commission
Resources and Strategies for Support
For Parents
For Future Educators
For Childcare Providers
Research about Childcare
Despite more women graduating from college, law school, and medical school compared to men, the gender pay gap has seen minimal progress over the past two decades. Recent studies estimate that it will take another 50 years to close this gap in the United States. Childcare emerges as a significant factor in perpetuating this disparity, according to Francis Blau, an economist at Cornell University. The responsibilities and costs associated with childcare often hinder women's career advancement, leading to lower-paying positions or interrupted career paths. Addressing the issue of affordable and accessible childcare is crucial in achieving gender equality in the workforce.
OU-Tulsa Researchers have found strong connections to quality childcare and positive life outcomes.
The Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, with funding from the City of Oklahoma City, collaborated with the Coalign Group and the Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness to create a data repository and strategy to address child care needs in Oklahoma City.
Tulsa Parents provide insights about childcare availability.
Themes from childcare March & April 2024 Forums
Creating a more supportive and equitable work environment for parents and caregivers, providing access to affordable and high-quality childcare options, and advocating for policy changes to better address the needs of working families.
Survey/Discussion -- Perform a survey or talk directly to your employees who are parents (including grandparents and foster parents) to determine what they may think would be helpful to them.
Affinity Groups/Committees -- Create parent support affinity groups or committees within your organization to network and share information about childcare/nanny options in the area.
Human Resources Departments -- Provide employees who are parents (including grandparents, foster parents, expectant parents and adoptive parents) with childcare resources and when possible take a more active role in contacting child care centers.
Flexible Work Schedules/Meeting Times -- Develop a flexible work policy by job role for parents with dependent children who have circumstances that require an accommodation.
Subsidies -- Study childcare subsidy regulations and determine if any employees might qualify for existing subsidies.
Childcare Benefits
Engagement in Pro Child care Policies -- Support and have someone at your organization actively engaged in pro childcare policies at the local, state and national levels.
Proclamation -- Proclaim a “Tulsa Early Child care Provider Day” to celebrate the work of those in our community who play an invaluable part in the education of Tulsa’s children.
inclusive parental support ideas for employers
In the News
Tulsa People Magazine
Public Radio Tulsa
Tulsa World
Addressing child care: Tulsa Women's Commission to present findings and recommendations to City of Tulsa
Tulsa’s Women’s Commission is tackling childcare gaps
Oklahoma House passes bill incentivizing employers to help workers with child care
Local Headlines Related to Childcare